Thursday, November 06, 2008

Access violation at address 10002593 in Module 'LIBMYSQL.dll'

When you install WinMySQLAdmin with MySQL and start WinMySQLAdmin you end with this error. Every time you start the control application you get a warning which is repeated until WinMySQLAdmin is shut down.

Access violation at address 10002593 in Module 'LIBMYSQL.dll'

Repeating the Error

Start WinMySQLAdmin with the xampp and you should get the error again.


1. Open WinMySQlAdmin
2. Click on the my.ini Setup tab
3. Change the following entries




Another simple solution is to locate my.ini in your windows directory and make the below changes:




This should resolve the error. If not, let me know and I will try my best to get you another solution. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey man. I have the same issue in the MySQL version in XAMPP LocalHost. The same error shows up but the main WinMySQLAdmin window disappears and I'm left with these error messages. The window is only there for a fraction of a second that I can't go the my.ini tab and edit the username and password values. Thanks in advance!

advisor said...

Locate the my.ini file in your windows directory and change the settings. You should be able to resolve the error.

m0gliE said...

Check your windows folder for the my.ini file. In that file you should double check your username and password. I was using Vista x64 and this solved my problem! The mysql admin window would just keep closing on me, but I had forgot that I changed the password manualy by prompt after I just installed. Hope this helps!

Unknown said...

i try this way and it still have the same problem show up. Do i need to uninstall and install it again? My OS is vista and i don't know how to handle that problem??

Faris said...

It shows access denied