Error: "Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'Logon failure: unknown user... "
This error usually is encountered when either the username / password is not valid for the selected user OR the selected user does not have necessary privilege.
You can add the privileges by following the below steps:
Run - Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Local Security Policy
Choose - Local Policies, User Rights Assignment from the tree
"Act as part of OS" should be the second entry on the right hand pane
I was getting the same error for that you need to go through Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local security Policies > Local policies > User rights Assignment at right pane there is a option for act as a part of OS double click on that and add the specified user . after that added users name will apper under security settings section .
Hey thanks Ashutosh. Hopefully your comment should help others.
I am getting this error in one machine where i'm using web service to access mapped network drive. The same code working in another machine clearly...
I added the users to the Act as a OS
option of the local policy, But still its not working...
What to do next.
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